can i make anything an nft
Remember, the best way to determine what type of introduction your blog post needs is by constructing a topic sentence that focuses on one idea (what your post will talk about). That way, you can craft all of the other sentences around that subject, even if it's a bit of a cheat sheet. However you do it though, just remember to keep it short and concise! A simple sentence or two should suffice and make sure they don't give away too much information. Image source: The closing thoughts are the best part because it is the icing on the cake. However, for newbie writers, this can be very hard. There is usually a reason behind what creativity your words come from. This might mean you need to stick to that idea you had in mind or it might mean you will have to change what you were going to say depending on how your writing holds up under scrutiny. It is there is where you will have to make a decision...